Rootes Journal
Our Editorial Team is keen to accept contributions, articles and advertisements to the Journal. Don’t think members wouldn’t be interested in your story, be it big or small. Large contributions can be serialised. Please contact the Society by email.
Is our magazine full of helpful hints and stories from our members.
Our hardworking editorial team assembles a fascinating variety of articles for this quality publication.
No matter how long you have been researching it is worth a read.
Our hardworking editorial team assembles a fascinating variety of articles for this quality publication.
No matter how long you have been researching it is worth a read.
Each issue also includes
Rootes is posted quarterly to all members as part of their membership.
The editor encourages all members to contribute articles for publication. Advertising is accepted at the following rates per quarter.
Full Page $40 Half Page $20 Quarter Page $10 Our quarterly journal of the Society is named in honour of
Thelma & Tom Rootes in recognition of their services to the Society |